The Amazing Boobies

Clumsy on land but incredibly agile in the air, blue-footed boobies (Sula nebouxii) are seabirds that are recognized by their bright blue feet. Residing in the arid, tropical, and subtropical islands off the Pacific coast of South America,1 blue-footed boobies are one of six species of boobies (genus Sula).2 Often lounging on objects and surfaces near the water with no caution regarding humans,3 many of these birds can be found in Mexico's Gulf of California, Peru and the Galรกpagos Islands.2 These birds can be captivating creatures, collectively diving from a variety of heights into schools of fish under the surface.4


Blue-footed booby


  1. Conservation Status
  2. Juvenile Development
  3. Predators
All about Blue footed BOOBIES